
Fontself: make, share & sell your own fonts from Photoshop & Illustrator

Created by Fontself - Franz Hoffman

Easily turn your handmade lettering into usable, colorful fonts, right within Photoshop & Illustrator. Introducing Fontself extensions.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

What a year: Happy Anniversary everyone !!!
over 7 years ago – Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 12:55:42 AM

It Was a Very Good Year

Just a year ago, on Oct 29, 2015, 760 crazy people decided to shake up the font game by backing our fun little font creation idea.

Today, it's Oct 29, 2016, and Fontself has grown into a 3-person team, a band of brothers on a mission to democratize type-making.

And every day, we keep working to deliver what we promised during this Kickstarter campaign.

- Easy font creation: we introduced drag & drop glyphs-making in Illustrator in February.

- Colorful fonts: we'll finally ship our Photoshop add-on within a few days with color bitmap font support.

- Ubiquitous font distribution: we've still much room to work on this part in 2017.

Over the next few days, we'll share more news about how typography is about to enter in a whole new era of creativity.

We have much more promises to finish (think of cool OpenType features, Catapult and other surprises) and all of this could have never been possible without your support.

So thanks again to all of you, we can't wait to see all the colorful fonts your will soon craft and use.

Happy Anniversary

PS: yup, it was a very good year.

PS1: 2016 will not be like 1984 ;)

PS2: the superb colorful lettering was designed by Roman Korolev, a Russian designer who truly rocks, and you can buy his lettering source files or just discover his wonderful work on Instagram.

Thanks for your inspiring work & your contribution.

Photoshop Users: The Show Is On
almost 8 years ago – Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 09:49:59 AM

Ok, so... it's mid August and many are still enjoying their summer break. But what about those who can't sleep because of kerning issues?

Well, today, we don't have much news on kerning (yet) but if you are an early backer of Fontself AND preordered Fontself for Photoshop, you can start creating fonts in Photoshop today: we just sent the invites of the first beta release by email.

As usual, if you don't see it in your inbox, please check your spam box first. And send me a direct message here if you didn't get the invite.

     ____/ o o \   
   /~____ =ø= /

✰ Now if you didn't pre-order the Photoshop add-on yet, go ahead, save 20% off by pre-ordering Fontself for Photoshop for just $39 (you will get access to the beta later, in September).

❤︎ And if you are interested in sharing your love of Fontself, tell your friends about FS for PS, you could earn $10 for each friend who gets her/his own copy!

That's about it. Have fun & talk to you soon.

The Fontself team

PS: if you've created some cool fonts or just want to discover what some of our users have created with the Illustrator add-on, check our dedicated collection on Behance:

PS1: If you upload your own designs on Behance, make sure to add a #fontself tag to your post & add Fontself in the "What tools were used?" section of the project settings, so we can find it & include it to our collection ;)

Follow us on Behance to check all these beauties. Meaow!
Follow us on Behance to check all these beauties. Meaow!


 PS2: the ASCII cat is from Felix Lee, as found on the candy shop

Fontself for Photoshop (it's coming ;)
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 11:16:19 PM

Hi there, we've got more great news today!

Fontself for Photoshop will officially launch in early November. Yeah!

... wait, why is this big news NOT in CAPS and bold. Or at least in Italic !? Well, simply because we have greater news for our dear Kickstarter community ;)

Early Kickstarter backers who preordered their copy of FS for PS will get their exclusive alpha version by mid-August, and it will be the most beautiful thing since sliced bread on nutella (kudos to @simonus for the quote).

So what's in there?

I'll be short, but whether you just want to create plain standard vector fonts in Photoshop (because who needs Illustrator... =) or whether you want to create colorful fonts based on any lettering, image or photo you can think of, Fontself will have your back covered with this new release for Photoshop.

We will announce more details about the features and color font support in the upcoming weeks (we'll need some rest as 2016 was - and will be - pretty intense).

Do you want it?

Due to popular demand, we decided to give a chance to all the other people who didn't pre-order their Photoshop add-on copy yet to, well... get their own as well. 

So go ahead, save 20% off by pre-ordering Fontself for Photoshop for just $39

Wanna share the news?

Many of you asked us how you could help us spread the word about Fontself. That's really kind of you, and we got an idea to thank you for your kindness.

So in return of your support, we would like to reward $10 for every friend you will refer to us and ends up purchasing a copy of Fontself for Photoshop.

To be perfectly honest, we're happy to share some of the financial outcome with you (we'd rather give it back to you than spend this on advertising, right ;) 

So if you are interested, go ahead and tell your friends about this awesome product!


Stay tuned for more awesomeness, as we will have more cool news to share by fall =)

Franz + Joël + Mohamed

PS: sorry, this time, the PS is monopolized by Photoshop, not your lucky day PS1...

Fontself is almost 10. Hello Fontself 1.0
about 8 years ago – Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 05:16:48 PM

Hello font lovers,

So it's been a while since we last got in touch... We've been silently updating Fontself Maker based on everyone's feedback, and today, we are finally announcing that it's reached a couple exciting milestones.

We officially introduce Fontself Maker 1.0, which is now a more robust and capable tool than what we delivered in February, and it will be the foundation of many more cool things to come, at a moment when Fontself is about to turn 10 years old in December.

You can now (finally!?) create AND reopen fonts you designed with Fontself Maker, so it's gonna be way more than just a toy for quick font creation =)

And most importantly, you collectively started a revolution, as several thousand creatives from all around the world now enjoy type-making with this simple tool. #typocracy is becoming a real thing and you all had an active role in making it happen. YEP, congrats guys! 

[+ there's a small gift from Adobe & Fontself at the bottom of this message - at least for 3 lucky creatives. If you are a CS6 user, check it to get CC for free ;-]


If you are interested in all the details about the newest release or just want to know how to update your own copy, please read this blog post.

The team is growing (Frankie, Moh & Jo)
The team is growing (Frankie, Moh & Jo)

Ok, so among the other news, Joël & I are lucky to be joined by a new team member, Mohamed. I've known Moh for many years now, he's a kick-ass entrepreneur & engineer (he actually built some Fontself goodness back in 2014) and he recently got into the dark side of the force (which means he's now geeking hard with low-level font technologies to produce some really, really, really cool stuff...).

He will introduce himself to you guys when the time has come & will tell you more about what we've been doing during nights and weekends =) 


For those of you who are still hesitating to get a copy of Fontself Maker from our own website, we also launched on Adobe's own Add-ons marketplace - which brings a nice capability: 1-click installation process for Illustrator CC users, as well as auto-updates via the Creative Cloud app.

The rumour has that we also made distribution deals with different partners, so more people will soon be able to discover this software.

Oh, and there are even crazy ones who's seen discount codes and promotions around the Word Wild Web, so if you're looking for bargains, keep looking around...

Get this groovy font from Eddy @ Layerform, he's got plenty more goodness on his Behance page:
Get this groovy font from Eddy @ Layerform, he's got plenty more goodness on his Behance page:

 ✼❉✱✲✾❃ +"*ç%&/()=?

Meanwhile, on the World Wide Web, people keep chatting about us in all languages: 

We've also been invited by fine folks to share about our experience:

Hmmm, so what else? Can't remember if there's anything else we've done? I know what we'll be able to talk during the summer & on fall, it will be filled with pleasant surprises.

Until then, as usual, keep sharing the love, tell your friends and colleagues about this #typocracy thing that you ignited, and take care of your families and dear ones.

Best from Paris!


PS: Gosh, why on earth did I start playing with this PS thing! That's probably one of the top reasons why you didn't hear much from us lately, I always fear this moment when I need to find something funny to say...

PS1: Instead of some pretty bad jokes, why not talk about something serious like type-making, right? That could make sense, nope? You guys seem to like fonts, don't you? (Please comment below if you don't, I can't ban you from Kickstarter but I'll make sure you hear from us ;)

Get CC. Earn CC. Just create some cool alphabet, it's easy as ACC ;)
Get CC. Earn CC. Just create some cool alphabet, it's easy as ACC ;)

PS2: Ok, so many of you asked us about creating their own fonts with CS6. Since we can't (yet) come up with a solution for non-CC apps, we've asked Adobe to join us for our very first Lettering Contest, and look at what you can win:

  • 3 (three) 1-year subscriptions to all Adobe CC apps 
  • 3 licenses of Fontself Maker
  • A personal type coaching by Fontself's team to make the best out of your newest toys

So, whether you are a CS6 user, a creative looking for an extra license or just a lettering enthusiast, you can take your chance to win these awesome prices by submitting a creative alphabet to our vote. The best ones will get CC & FS. Easy! 

See all the rules on our Facebook page:

And if you know a couple designers, artists or students who might make great use of the tools, spread the word about this Fontself contest.

That's about it, for now... 


Sleeping tight...
over 8 years ago – Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 06:27:07 PM

Hello world,

Daddy was pretty busy lately, so he crashed on the sofa... Since he is still asleep, I will just share with you a couple links he left for you guys (I know he would have enjoyed to tell you more about it, but he really needs to take a break. Next time, I'm sure he'll have plenty to talk about):

Now back to my nap...
Bye, A.