
Fontself: make, share & sell your own fonts from Photoshop & Illustrator

Created by Fontself - Franz Hoffman

Easily turn your handmade lettering into usable, colorful fonts, right within Photoshop & Illustrator. Introducing Fontself extensions.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

LAST DAY: backing a cool handwritten font project
over 6 years ago – Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 01:09:03 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

✔︎ Color ✔︎ Ligatures ✔︎ Alternates : Mission accomplished !!!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 06:45:18 AM



Almost 2 years ago, you guys kickstarted a revolution, ignited by a vision to bring font creation to all creatives.

Today, we are finally introducing a huge set of updates that will change the game in type-making.

So go ahead, read the news here and then, well... just be proud. You've made it happen.

Thanks again & keep rocking!

PS: if you don't feel like reading today, no worries, one of our power users, Monika Gause, just made a super insightful video tutorial on using the new Fontself release to create a gorgeous geometric color font family. Don't miss it: 


Type With Pride: a typography project for a design icon
about 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 07:21:23 AM

Hi everyone!

Today we just wanted to share a new project that celebrates the life of Gilbert Baker, the creator of the rainbow flag: Type with pride.

Fontself was actually invited by the New-York agency Ogilvy & Mather to partner on the font creation part, as their team had designed a superb color type family and wanted to ship it as an actual color font, and for free. 

This ongoing project is now driving us forward to ship most of the promised features on Fontself for Illustrator & Photoshop by this summer: color vector fonts, kerning & alternates.


 We will keep you posted as this project grows, but you can already read our blog post on the story behind it.

Can't wait to share more details about all of this soon. And again, thank you so much for sparking this type of initiatives by backing cool new projects!

Share the love & see you soon!


PS: And as my little one would say, enjoy the ride...


Color Fonts Are Here
over 7 years ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 05:19:24 AM

Ok guys, we told you they would come... 

And today, they are here.

Are you ready?

YES! Color fonts are upon us! 

We are really proud to introduce you to 2 (two) (II) (二) (➋) World's First initiatives that will hopefully help you learn more about colorful fonts and have fun with them ;)


The World's First Color Fonts Collection

Over the past weeks, we have been working with awesome lettering artists to bring you a unique collection of color fonts on Creative Market, and we started seeing more coming across the web and on Behance.

As way more color fonts will pop, we will add them to these libraries, so make sure you follow these lists to be notified when more cool fonts show up.

FYI, all these fonts were created with Fontself Maker for Photoshop, which is still available as a discounted upgrade to all our previous backers and Illustrated users.

And again, we wanted to thank you for your support in making this happen. The color font revolution just started, and all you guys had a major role in helping us join it. Now anyone can start making & using their own color fonts.  

Which now leads us to our second announcement...


The World's First Color Fonts Resource

To ensure that every designer understands the opportunities, qualities and technical specificities of color fonts, we felt like a dedicated spot was needed to talk about this.

So we are launching a new website for that:

It will be our main channel to spread the good news, to broaden the discovery of this exciting new technology, to highlight the best of the best color font creations, and to tell you everything about the people behind what is going to be a big new chapter in the history of typography.

So without any other ceremony, please just enjoy (and feel free to share the news ;)

#franz #joel #mohamed


PS: Ok, but... Kerning, ligatures, etc? When, where, why? Hold your breath: we have had to rewrite the code of both Photoshop & Illustrator add-ons to ensure we could bring all of these promised features in the best conditions. It takes time to ensure you get fully functional software, but count on us, it's getting closer. 

PS1: ok, we hear you... WHEN will they ship? - Well, whenever they are ready ;)

PS2: ok, ok, we are now targeting to spend a couple more months to complete the rewriting and finish the work already done on all the advanced features. So please stay with us.

PS3: ok, so until we can actually delight you with more news on kerning and lots of geeky things, let's celebrate color fonts with an epic piece of popular culture.

Let there be colors! Let there be rainbows!

Oh... what? 

Sorry guys, there seems to be a little dissension within the Fontself team to know whether or not we should express our personal tastes in these videos.

One of our team members is actually on vacation, so we can't reach status quo.

In order to ensure stability within our team, our advisors and board members, including our legal team and ethics group, finally agreed to propose another point of view on this challenging matter.

So here is an alternate proposition. We hope you will appreciate our bi-partisan approach to important things. 

Yours sincerely.

 PS4: ... nope. Don't ask! Enjoy ;)

Color Fonts Will Soon Be Upon Us
over 7 years ago – Thu, Nov 24, 2016 at 09:50:27 AM

Merry Christm... woops, ... 1 month too early ;) 

Let's restart...

Wassup? We've got colorful news today, all related to, ... well, color fonts.

We are finally, officially, launching Fontself for Photoshop. #TRUMPETS

After many months of hard work, and as we promised during our campaign, we are bringing a super powerful and simple font creation feature to Adobe's flagship software; turns out Adobe also announced the support of OpenType SVG color fonts in Photoshop CC 2017, so you can now create AND use your own fonts right into PS.

Of course, one can make standard OpenType vector fonts with this add-on just as in our Illustrator extension, but the most original part is the support for color fonts. In our case, we are actually using color bitmap fonts, so you can create a font from any lettering, image or photo you want. 

Here's a quick look at the straightforward creation process:

We are so excited about this release, as it will mark a turning point in our journey. Hopefully this will inspire many of you to go wild and create gorgeous fonts. 

You've tremendously helped us to get there, so we'll definitely show you how grateful we are in an upcoming update.

Back to the news soon, and until then, enjoy the end-year sprint.

@@franz @@joel @@mohamed


PS: 2017 will be a colorful year for sure, for both Photoshop & Illustrator users (yes, we'll catch up with all the other promises, alternates, kerning & co). We've been handling a lot of unexpected issues while bringing color fonts to Photoshop, but we will now be able to cope with AI's long-waiting improvements

PS1: life is a marathon; and so is our journey. So if you really wanna help, please give us another boost and share the news with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, and even on this cool new social networking site called... real life.

PS2: ok, so shall we end this message with some music? Wanna learn new dancing tricks to impress your friends and family on New Year's Eve? Then watch and observe: